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Parent FAQ’s

What is your catchment area?

Peek a Boo does not have a catchment system so we welcome children from all over Cambridge.

How do I register my child for a place?

You can request a registration form or fill out the general enquiries form found on the contact page and we will send you a Registration Pack. Return it to the Manager, along with a registration fee of £35. 

Is there snack time?

Yes, we have a rolling snack time, during which children can access their snack and drink when they prefer. We request parents/carers if they can provide a fruit or vegetable for snack. We do offer  dry snacks such as crackers, breadsticks, bread, jam, butter, rice cakes along with a filled water bottle.  Please label water bottles and pack lunches. Peek-a-Boo Nursery is a nut free Nursery. This means no food products containing nuts are brought into the building. Milk and additional water is always available to all children as required. 

What should my child bring with them?

Your child should bring a complete change of clothes (including underwear and socks), nappies (for those still wearing them), labelled lunchbox and water bottle. Each child has a peg to hang their bag on but we request that all belongings are taken home at the end of each session. During the Summer, please provide sunscreen and a hat.

How long does it take for a child to settle?

This will depend on a number of factors including the age of the child and the individual character of the child. If a child has spent time with another relative or carer it may make settling in much easier. The consistency of a child’s attendance should also be considered. If a child attends consistently, they will establish themselves in the nursery environment and feel comfortable. Of course, some children may have more natural confidence than others and therefore settle more quickly as a result. With patience and lot of care any child will settle in with time; it is rare for a child not to settle. 

We would encourage parents not to stay at school but to remain in the vicinity during those first sessions. We realise it can be difficult when a child starts nursery but please be reassured we will contact you immediately should there be any problems.

What if I am late to pick my child up?

Please inform us early if you will be late for pick up.  A late fee of £5 per fifteen minutes will be charged.

Who should I contact if my child is unwell/unable to attend their sessions?

Please contact the Nursery Manager by 10am.  In accordance with our policies and current guidelines, we request that children do not return for at least 48 hours after the last instance of vomiting or diarrhoea. Unfortunately, we are unable to refund fees for non-attendance.

What is the registration fee for?

Joining a nursery requires a lot of administration. Time is spent setting up registrations, child records and getting details from parents in terms of dietary requirements, medical details, likes and dislikes etc. Additionally, the settling-in process requires around three visits where you will spend time with a member of staff getting to know each other with your child. The registration fee is used to cover these.